Our planning team has partnered with two student teams in the Dalhousie Master of Planning program to conduct research to aid in our plan review process. This research will include the following projects:
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Heritage Design Guidelines in Tatamagouche
Under the current Land Use By-Law for the Village of Tatamagouche, there are existing design guidelines for the designated heritage areas. However, these guidelines have not been entirely successful in ensuring cohesive architectural facades within heritage areas. This research will investigate the current design guidelines of Tatamagouche's Main Street and compare what other communities have found to be successful within downtown heritage environments to maintaining a consistent aesthetic with renovations and new development. The students will review other design guidelines and identify what may be successful in a new plan for Tatamagouche. This research project will consist of a background analysis of development within the study area that, in combination with the examination of existing design guidelines, will help determine the direction for the future adaptation heritage guidelines Tatamagouche. The students will conclude with a recommendation of what types of design guidelines would be appropriate in Tatamagouche's current context. Read more about the project here!
A Healthy Cities Approach to A Healthy Rural Village
A healthy community is often described as one which is liveable, sustainable, and equitable. In preparation for the Tatamagouche Plan Review, the Municipality of Colchester would like to take a holistic approach to community planning by applying a focus on the health of people, the environment and the community at large. Often, cities are the prime example of what a healthy community should look like and how it should operate, emphasizing the use of sustainable transportation methods, a connected network of green spaces, and development patterns that focus on density and mixed-use. However, Tatamagouche is not a densely populated city, but does that mean the guidelines for a healthy approach to community planning cannot be applied to a rural context? This research will focus on reviewing current plans and guidelines for healthy communities and determining how they may apply to rural environments using Tatamagouche as a case study. The study will conclude with a set of recommendations or guidelines which can be followed to improve the overall health of Tatamagouche. Areas of focus may include transportation modes and patterns, access to green space, development patterns, and destinations and services within the community. Read more about the project here!